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5 Virtual Tours in Indonesia to Take During COVID-19 Pandemic

Isny DR.
29 April 2020

Tourist attractions in Indonesia that present virtual tours for you who are #stayinghome and miss traveling.

Photo credit: Isny - Alinear

The impact of COVID-19 pandemic caused almost everyone in various parts of the world to be asked to #stayinghome, and reduce outdoor activities, including not being able to go traveling, because it’s feared it could expand the spread of the virus. Commercial flights, trains, buses, to motor boats have now been temporarily stopped

For those of you who like to travel, this situation obviously makes you feel bored and miss traveling. But don’t worry! Because this time Alinear will share recommendation about tourist attractions in Indonesia that present virtual tours for you who are #stayinghome and miss traveling.

1. National Museum of Indonesia
The National Museum or also commonly called the Elephant Museum holds 140,000 historical objects, which are divided into seven types of collections including archeology, ethnography, geography, ceramics, numismatics & heladrik, prehistoric and historical collections.

This museum is one of the best places to find out more about civilization, the social system, art, culture, religion, and government of ancient Indonesia. For those of you who miss visiting the National Museum can see the virtual tour through this page.

2. National Monument

Photo credit: Isny - Alinear

The National Monument or Monas is a 132 meter (433 ft) memorial monument established to commemorate the resistance and struggle of Indonesians to seize independence from the Netherland government. This monument is crowned with flames coated with gold sheets symbolizing the burning spirit of struggle. Monas is located right in the middle of Medan Merdeka Square, in Central Jakarta.

Located 3 meters below the surface of the monument yard, there is also the National History Museum which displays the historical dioramas of the ancestors of Indonesians, the era of the struggle for independence, and development during the New Order. For those of you who miss Monas, you can visit this page to see its virtual tours.

3. National Gallery
The National Gallery of Indonesia is a state cultural institution or as a museum of modern and contemporary art. Here there are several buildings that functioned as exhibition places, as well as Indonesian and foreign art events.

Photo credit: Instagram @galerinasional

For those of you who want to enjoy fine art during your self-quarantine, you can visit @galerinasional Instagram account which presents virtual tours of the Permanent Exhibition of National Gallery of Indonesia Collections which displays works of fine art from the country's collections based on periodization of Indonesian art journey divided into seven rooms.

4. Borobudur Temple
Who does not know Borobudur Temple? The temple located in Magelang city, Central Java, was founded by Mahayana Buddhists around the year 800 AD during the reign of the Syailendra dynasty. Borobudur is the biggest Buddhist temple in the world, as well as one of the biggest Buddhist monument in the world.

Photo credit: Instagram @olli_outdoors

Even though you are #stayinghome, you can still enjoy and see the splendor of Borobudur Temple anytime through virtual tours presented on

5. Agung Rai Museum of Art (ARMA)
Agung Rai Museum of Art (ARMA) is one of fine art museums in Bali that holds a wide collection of arts from well-known Indonesian and international painters.

The buildings at ARMA are designed in the traditional Balinese architectural style with the dominance of local materials. The two main buildings, Bale Daja covering 3,300 square meters, and Bale Dauh covering 1,200 square meters, stand firmly amid trees, fountains, and ponds and rice field landscapes

Photo credit: Instagram @arma.bali/

Through this link, you can still see the collection by seeing virtual tours from this museum.

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