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Kanal Banjir Barat Now Become a New Instagramable Spot in Jakarta

Isny DR.
23 July 2020

After completing the river naturalization program, the Kanal Banjir Barat area of ​​Karet - Shangrilla segment now looks neater and Instagramable.

Photo Source: Instagram @kominfotikjp
What happens if the riverbank can be used as a place to relax as well as taking pictures? You can really feel it, just come to the Kanal Banjir Barat in Sudirman area, Central Jakarta, precisely next to the BNI City Station!
After completing the river naturalization program, the Kanal Banjir Barat area of ​​Karet - Shangrilla segment now looks neater and Instagramable. Formerly the area was full of wild grasses.
In the Kanal Banjir Barat, Sudirman area now has a park with guiding blocks to be enjoyed by the public. The park area has a width of eight meters with a length of up to 300 meters down the river. There are stairs with a width of four meters for people to walk. Next to the stairs, there are spots planted with trees.

Photo Source: Instagram @kominfotikjp
What’s unique is, in the Kanal Banjir Barat there’s a kind of looks hallway made of poles. This area is perfect for those of you who like taking photos, because it Instagramable. If you are interested in visiting this area, don't forget to always comply with health protocols such as wearing a face mask, keeping a safe distance from other visitors, and routinely washing your hands.

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