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A Batik Village in Tangerang City

Isny DR.
09 May 2018

Kampung Batik Kembang Mayang become a tourist attraction in Tangerang.

Batik is one of Indonesia’s identity and has been known designated as a Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of UNESCO. Batik also not only used for clothes. With high creativity, batik can also produce an adorable tourist attraction, one of them is Kampung Batik Kembang Mayang which located at Jalan Mayang, South Larangan, Tangerang.

The citizens skill on batik making, especially the housewifes, they pour it in mural arts on every citizens wall. Because of that, this village looks so good and turns into a local tourist attraction. The idea came when the citizens of this village runs Pola Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) program. Then, came an idea to coloring every walls, but they thought that idea is too mainstream. Finally, Kembang Mayang’s head hamlet invites all the citizens to painting their walls with batik motive.

Because his idea, Jalan Mayang suddenly became viral in South Larangan area. So many people even from other villages comes to this place and take selfies with batik wall as the background. Tangerang tourism office planned make this village become one of official tourist attraction in Tangerang.

Meanwhile, one of the citizen explained that at first they would adopted general batik shades. But then, they agreed to applied Kembang Mayang shades, as the village name is. Kampung batik concept itself inspired from Kampung Batik Palbatu in South Jakarta.

The citizens skill on batik making are not just born like that. They learned all about batik making at training center in this village. Both young and old citizens learn how to make batik here. Starts from canting process, to boiling batik fabric. This training held every Wednesday and Friday. They made kind of batik tulis and cap, that is also the reason why they named Batik Kembang Mayang.

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