Justwax offers painless waxing.
Waxing is painful, but it is one of important treatments for women. Facial, half-leg, full-body, Brazilian, bikini lines, etc. But apparently there are several salons offer painless waxing. Like what Justwax has to offer with the tagline “Painless Waxing Expert” which can be seen in the front of the salon.
This salon is not so spacious, they only have three treatment rooms. But interestingly, they arranged the whole room as possible. The concept is very girly and of course it is Insta-worthy. Many Indonesian celebrities came to Justwax. Just look at Justwax Instagram account! A number of Indonesian famous artists such as Ardina Rasti, Ririn Dwi Ariyanti, Olla Ramlan, to Luna Maya ever came here. So, there is no need to doubt the quality.
What might make you curious is, how can this salon offer painless waxing? What material and technique they used? This waxing salon in Jakarta does not use caramel wax which is commonly used by waxing salons. Justwax uses hard wax.
Photo Source: @febiolanovita
If you see, the liquid is no different with caramel wax. Hard wax also needs a heater or special warmer just like caramel wax, so it remains liquid. But when hard wax is applied to hairy skin, it will instantly harden in seconds. When it released from your skin, the hairs will be pulled up to the roots. How does it feel? It doesn't hurt at all, it feels like you are removing plaster sticks to your skin.
Justwax itself uses two types of hard wax. Brown hard wax to clean fine hairs that grow on your feet, hands and back. And white hard wax to remove coarse hairs around nether regions and armpits. Hard wax at this salon uses natural ingredients, so it will not irritate your skin.
Here, waxing is also hygienic. First, you will be asked to use special clothes. Then, the beauty therapist will clean the part of your body that will be waxed. The cleaning process uses blue lotion. After that, the body oil will be applied so that the waxing material can sticks to your hairs, not your skin. Then, hard wax is applied to the part to be waxed.
If there are short hairs that have not been removed, the therapist will remove them using tweezers and still not hurt, because the skin's pores are exposed due to the warm hard wax liquid. After all hair is gone, your skin will be cleaned again using body oil, then a refreshing gel is applied. So, for those who are tired of painful waxing, it's time to go to Justwax!
Instagram: @justwax_id