JUSTICE LEAGUE Run, 5km fun run with wearing their favourite superhero Costumes like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg, The Flash and many more.
Justice League, one of the epic superhero movies inspired Provaliant and Lippo Mall Puri to hold event, JUSTICE LEAGUE Run. This event is the very first time licensed running event in Indonesia with superhero theme. This 5km fun run is collaboration of Provaliant, Lippo Mall Puri and Warner Bros Pictures. JUSTICE LEAGUE Run also gathering event for DC Comics, community and run enthusiasts.
JUSTICE LEAGUE Run called as special event, because this healthy and fun event provided with Justice League-inspired race pack, like t-shirt and accessories. JUSTICE LEAGUE Run will be attended by 5.000 participants wearing their favourite superhero Costumes while running. Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg, The Flash and many more.
Besides wearing your favourite superhero Costume, you should do selfie in 15 pit stops and posting it to your social media to get exclusive Justice League merchandise and special badges.
JUSTICE LEAGUE Run will be held December, 3r 2017 in Lippo Mall Puri, Jakarta. For further information about the ticket price, please kindly visit their official website in http://indofunrun.com/justiceleaguerun/. Let’s join the league!