JNE The Goods Delivery Solution
You may already familiar with JNE. A company with a full name of PT Tiki Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir has undergone shipping and logistics business in Indonesia, with the central in Jakarta. This company has just entered their 25th years on few months ago. JNE is founded by H. Soeprapto Soeparno which now still be the director of the company.
At first, JNE started the business with handling customs activity (export and import), sending goods overseas, and receiving goods and documents from other country to Indonesia. JNE was started as the division of PT Citra van Titipan Kilat (TiKi) to handle courier network and international logistic. But now JNE also provides in and out of town delivery service.
JNE that was the part of TiKi has now evolved to two different companies with their own purposes. At the end, JNE built its new company with its own management. The development of business and people’s lifestyle make an increase of goods delivery needs. Not only package and document, but also transportation, logistic, and also distribution.
Because of this, JNE is brave enough to expand the network to all the big cities in Indonesia until they reached 1.000 locations with the total of minimum 12.000 employees. No wonder we can find JNE so easily around our residence or office. Their strong commitment makes JNE can be trusted and they prove it with maximum service. That’s why JNE has also received plenty awards and ISO 9001:2008 certificate for quality management. So inspiring!