Jakarta Book Club, perfect community for book enthusiasts.

You should probably know if reading books has many benefits. Reading books not only increase your knowledge, but also helps to prevent Alzheimer’s as you can read in this previous article.

In Jakarta, there is a community invites its members and people to read more books, to love reading books, Jakarta Book Club. In the first year of establishment, 2010, 24 members of Jakarta Book Club focused to read books they like without any deadline. Due to their activities, Jakarta Book Club was forced to hiatus and made a comeback in 2014.

After their comeback in 2014, until today, they have more than 2,000 members. Every month, Jakarta Book Club holds meeting, for free, with different themes, from books categories, themes and writers.

Along with increasing your knowledge by discussing any books that you and other members like, you can also make new friends here with same enthusiasm. Interested to join this community? Catch Jakarta Book Club’s activities here.