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Irwan Team Hair Design – Customized Hair Treatment Based on Your Needs

Nadia Latief
25 November 2015

Irwan Team Hair Design

Do you think your hair is damaged but don’t know what to do about it? Then you have to come to Irwan Team Hair Design. Here they serve Kerastase Ritual hair treatment service. Although there are other salons that give similar services, Irwan Team was the first one to have that service in Indonesia. In Kerastase Ritual, your scalp and hair will be scanned with special device that can detect the damage right away. From the result you can see which treatment is best to suit your hair and scalp condition.

The treatment is using Kerastase products, a quality brand from France. After knowing the type of your hair damage, you will be asked to change into a special kimono they have. Not only hair treatment, you will also get complete massage service with hot stones. You can get both your hair treated and body relaxed. After the hair treatment with Kerastase products, your hair will be steamed with special equipment. Once you are done, you can ask the hairdresser to blow or style your hair as you wish. The Kerastase treatment starts at Rp 500,000. For more information, contact Irwan Team Hair Design on the details below.



Irwan Team Summarecon Mal Bekasi
Summarecon Mal Bekasi 1st Floor
Jl. Bulevar Ahmad Yani Blok M, Sentra Summarecon
Jawa Barat 17142, Indonesia
+622129572343 / +622129572344 

Irwan Team Kota Kasablanka
Kota Kasablanka Level Upper Ground
Jl. Casablanca No.88
Kota Jakarta Selatan 12870, Indonesia
+622129612700 / +622129612727 

Irwan Team Summarecon Mal Serpong
Summarecon Mal Serpong 1st Floor
Jl. Boulevard Gading Serpong, Sentra Gading Serpong,
Tangerang 15810, Indonesia
+622129310567 / +622129310678

Irwan Team Grand Indonesia
Grand Indonesia West Mall Level 3
Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 1, Menteng
Jakarta Pusat 10310, Indonesia
+622123580644 / +622123580645 

Irwan Team Pondok Indah Mall
Pondok Indah Mall 1st Floor
Jl. Metro Pondok Indah Blok. 3B, Kebayoran Lama
Jakarta Selatan 12310, Indonesia
+62217506747 / +62217506957 / +6281287751844 

Irwan Team Bintaro Xchange
Bintaro Jaya Xchange UG Level
Bintaro Jaya Sektor VII, Boulevard Bintaro Jaya Blok O-2,
Banten 15224, Indonesia
+622129864867 / +622129864868 

Irwan Team Senayan City
Senayan City 2nd Floor
Jl. Asia Afrika Lot 19, Senayan
Jakarta 10270, Indonesia
+622172781200 / +622172781212 

Irwan Team Mal Kelapa Gading 3
Mal Kelapa Gading 3 1st Floor
Jl. Boulevard Kelapa Gading Blok M
Jakarta Utara 14240, Indonesia
+622145853577 / +622145853578 

Irwan Team Emporium Pluit
Emporium Pluit 1st Floor
Jl. Pluit Selatan Raya, Jakarta Utara
DKI Jakarta 14440, Indonesia
+622166676566 / +622166676567 

Irwan Team Gandaria City
Gandaria City 2nd Floor
Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda, Kebayoran Lama
Jakarta Selatan 12240, Indonesia
+622129053203 / +622129053204 

Irwan Team Central Park
Central Park UG Level
Jl. Letjen. S. Parman No.28, Grogol
Kota Jakarta Barat 11470, Indonesia


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