Instanusantara started from Instagram.
Instagram is more than just a platform where you can share your photos or videos as your hobby or for fun. The fact is Instagram has been evolved into a home for photography lovers. They guerrilla with their own impressed works, and get so many likes. That brilliant achievement shade these photographers on a community. One of those communities is @instanusantara.
The photography community is one of so many communities that started from Instagram and has been confirmed its works existence in Indonesia. At the beginning, Instanusantara stood as a community with a mission to bring Indonesia’s nature beatuty to the world. Today, Instanusantara has 4.561 posts and 221 thousand followers.
The community first time formed by Andi Afriansyah. The formed of Instanusantara was on purpose to make a community. Then, he started to use #Instanusantara hashtag in every uploaded photos or videos expose the beauty of nature and cultural heritage in Indonesia. From here, he collected community members by using #instanusantara hashtag in every Instagram users photos or videos.
Indonesia has strong potential to be exposed. Andi hopes Instanusantara can help promoting the beauty of Indonesia nature and cultural heritage.
About photos and videos criteria that will be re-upload, Instanusantara is not limiting their members to have their own rules. Members can use any type of devices such as smartphone, pocket camera, action camera, mirrorless or DSLR camera. The main rule is your works should be about Indonesia. Aside, members also should use their own photos and tagging the location where the photo was taken.
Although, it was formed in Malang, but now Instanusantara has regional-based in several cities in Indonesia, Jakarta @instanusantaraJakarta, Surabaya @instanusantaraSurabaya, Yogyakarta @instanusantaraDIY, Bali @instanusantaraBali, Bandung @instanusantaraBandung, Semarang @instanusantaraSemarang, and more.
The main program of Instanusantara is INUB (Instanusantara Upload Bersama). The program invites you to uploading photo or video on Instagram using #instanusantara hashtag and mention to Instanusantara. Then, Instanusantara will opt the photos every day as “Instanusantara of The Day” and “Instanusantara Member Gallery”.
The community itself has been hold many events such as exhibition, coaching clinic, and of course photo hunting. For those wanting to join the community, you can open this page https://www.instanusantara.com.