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Instagrammable Cliff in Tangerang

Eskanisa R
24 May 2019

Koja Cliff, Instagrammable cliff in Tangerang.

Not only Jakarta, Tangerang also has a lot of Instagrammable spots you should not miss, like this Koja cliff. Located in Kampung Koja, this cliff made of formed sand mining. Large sand mining using traditional tools made up these beautiful cliffs to make your Instagram feeds look good.

Koja cliff can be easily accessed with public transportation as well as your own car. You can use commuter lime from Tanah Abang to Maja or Rangkasbitung and get off at Maja Station, nearest station to the destination.

Right after you arrived at Maja Station, you can continue with ojek online (online motorcycle) to Koja cliff. If you drive your own car, you can take toll road and exit at West Balaraja. Go directly to Jl. Raya Serang heading to Jl. Raya Cisoka and pass through Tigaraksa intersection. Not too far from the intersection, you will find small road heading to Koja cliff.

You will be charged entrance ticket for Rp5.000 (exclude parking ticket). Walking through the cliff area, you can explore the top of the cliff first to see beautiful scenery from above. Because there is no safety ropes, you need to be more careful to not slip.

Under the cliff you can also find bamboo hut as a perfect shelter if you come here during the day and want to avoid sun burn. For those who love hunting sunrise, you should come here in the early morning. Perfect combination of sunrise and cliffs make dramatic scenery you should not miss.

It also applied for any sunset enthusiasts. You can come here at the noon to see beautiful sunset. Koja cliff open until 6 pm every day. Do not forget to bring enough water and food because it is quite long trip.

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