Rates and how to rent venues in GBK.
Last year, the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani had set rates change for managing the Bung Karno Sports (GBK) complex. This is stated in the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 38/PMK/2018 about service rates for public service agencies managing GBK complex at the Ministry of State Secretariat, which states that the service rate consists of indoor facilities, outdoor facilities, other facilities, promotional media and polyclinics use.
In addition, rates for other facilities use and promotional media take into account the cost per service unit by taking into account facilities, location, land area, usage period, and local market prices. While the polyclinic rate takes cost per service unit comes from medical materials, devices and workers.
Managers can charge higher and lower service rates by paying attention to the day, time, type or event, user activity. Then the land area used for activities, how to order, and the level of use or occupancy. The service rates can also free as long as they get recommendations from the State Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Managing Director of the Center for Bung Karno Sports Center Management for the Ministry of State Secretariat.
The regulation also states that the procedure for imposing rates also takes into account aspects of continuity, service development, aspects of purchasing power, principles of justice, and propriety, as well as aspects of healthy competition. The following are Public Service Agency service rates for managing the Bung Karno Sports Complex for the Ministry of State Secretariat:
I. Indoor Facilities Use
A. Regular Use
1. Istora Building per 12 hours / day Rp 150 million
2. Swimming Stadium per 12 hours / day Rp. 40 million
3. Tennis Stadium 2 (indoor) per 12 hours / day Rp. 75 million
4. The Basket Building per 12 hours / day Rp. 50 million
5. Wisma Serbaguna Cattleya Room per 6 hours / day Rp. 18 million
6. Al'Bina Mosque Hall per 6 hours / day Rp. 10 million
7. Building Training Facility per 12 hours / day / floor Rp. 35 million
8. Royale Box per 12 hours / day Rp 35 million
9. Corporate Box per 12 hours / day / room Rp 3,5 million
10. Media room per 12 hours / day Rp 15 million
11. West VIP Lobby per day / floor Rp 10 million
Rent Daily Space
1. Standard room per m2 / day Rp 15.000
2. Room with AC per m2 / day Rp 25.000
3. VIP room per m2 / day Rp 50.000
Rent Monthly Space and Charge
1. Standard Room per m2 / month Rp 100,000
2. Room with AC per m2 / month Rp 120,000
Service Charge
1. At work units per m2 / month Rp. 25,000
2. Gedung Direksi, Menara Olahraga Senayan, Eks Driving Range Senayan, and Anex per m2 / month.
B. Use for Exercise
1. Gymnastics Room Per 2 hours / group Rp 300.000
2. Boxing Room per 2 hours / group Rp 200.000
3. Wushu Room per 2 hours / group Rp 200.000
4. Wrestling Room per 2 hours / group Rp 200.000
5. Table Tennis Room per 2 hours / table Rp 75.000
6. Badminton court per 2 hours / court Rp 350.000
7. Futsal / Street Soccer court per 2 hours / court Rp 600.000
8. Basketball court per 2 hours / court Rp 600.000
9. Volleyball court per 2 hours / court Rp 600.000
10. Anggar space per 2 hours / group Rp 200.000
11. Open space per 2 hours / group Rp 100,000
12. Swimming Pool per 2 hours / pool / 50 persons Rp. 2,000,000
13. Beautiful Swimming / Diving Pool per 2 hours / pool / 50 persons Rp. 1,500,000
14. Public Swim Tickets per 2 hours/person IDR 50,000
15. Student Swim Tickets per 2 hours/person Rp. 25,000
16. Dive Ticket per 2 hours/person IDR 75,000
II. Outdoor Facilities Use
A. Regular Use
1. Main Stadium per 12 hours/day Rp 450 million
2. Madya Stadium per 12 hours/day Rp 150 million
3. Tennis Stadium 1 per 12 hours/day Rp. 35 million
B. Use for Exercise
1. Main Stadium Soccer court per 2 hours Rp. 10 million
2. Madya Stadium Soccer court per 2 hours Rp 5 million
3. Grass Soccer court per 2 hours/court Rp 700.000
4. Synthetic football court per 2 hours Rp. 1.5 million
5. Rugby court per 2 hours Rp 1.5 million
6. Futsal/street soccer court per 2 hours/court Rp 175,000
7. Basketball court per 2 hours/court Rp 175,000
8. Gateball court per 2 hours/court Rp 175,000
9. Sand volleyball court per 2 hours/court Rp 175,000
10. Radio control court per day/person IDR 175,000
11. Hockey court per 2 hours/court Rp 600,000
12. Archery court per 2 hours/targets Rp 100,000
13. Softball court per 2 hours/court Rp 175,000
14. Flexi tennis court per 2 hours/court Rp 175,000
15. Main Stadium track per 2 hours/50 persons Rp 500.000
16. Madya Stadium track per 2 hours/50 persons Rp. 350,000
17. Use for matches per 10 hours/day for training rates multiplied by number, session multiplied by number and field multiplied by 150%.
How to book GBK venue via online:
1. Enter the GBK e-booking page at the URL https://reservation.gbk.id/. Then choose the Game menu in the Menu Bar at the top right. Make sure you log in first with the username and password that you registered while at registration. If you don't have a Username and Password, you can register first on the Registration page in the Registration Menu Bar.
2. Once you are on the Game menu page, please choose the Venue you want to book.
3. On the Venue detail page, choose plan the Game.
4. Set the start until end dates of the lease by Select From Date and To Date. For your consideration, GBK provides a policy in setting the price of rental rates for Venue with Game type, that is, in 1 day rental time is divided into several sessions and each session has 2 rates. It is Weekday rates and Weekend rates.
5. In the Pop Up dialog, choose the rental Session, select Payment Type for payment, then check the Checkbox to state that you agree with the terms and conditions that have been made regarding the Venue Game rental. You can also download the Terms and Conditions by clicking See Agreement. If you specify a rental period of more than 1 week, you must choose the rental day. You can choose on a particular day or all days.
6. After checking agree Terms and Conditions, click BOOK NOW button. Then the Pop Up dialog will appear about rental information, price details, information on fees to be paid, payment deadlines and payment information.