Plaza Indonesia presenting Indonesia Food & Art Festival, in addition to celebrating The 72nd Indonesia's Independence Day.
In addition to celebrating The 72nd Indonesia's Independence Day, a well-know shopping mall, Plaza Indonesia presenting Indonesia Food & Art Festival. Various kind of Indonesian culinary will indulging your tastebud. This festival also an effor to supports Indonesian culinary industries, and introduce them to the world.
During August, you will see a lot of food tenants that serves Indonesian food from around the country. There are also some tenants that offering modified traditional food, both from the taste and the presentation. As examples, 7 flavors of Rendang from Rumah makan Padang Sari Ratu, and Liwetan from 17 provinces presented by MDL Restaurant. Kichenette also participated on this event, they will present various dessert combined with Indonesian authentic taste.
Some Western restaurants also taking part serve traditional food with Indonesian style, like Bistro Baron that will indulge you with Rawon which use American beef.
Photo Source: http://www.plazaindonesia.com
This festival will be held until 31 August 2017 and will also displaying Indonesian artworks, to Sumbanese woven fabric from Dian Sastrowardoyo Foundation.