Looking for job? Don't miss this event!
Job expo really helps many jobseekers to find a suitable job, either they are fresh graduates or already working. Here is a good news for you who are looking for a job, because on October 30-31, 2015, there will be Indonesia Career Anex Expo at Balairung Universitas Indonesia, Depok. This event will be held from 9 am to 5 pm.
You can bring your printed CV as much as you want or bring a soft copy, and give it to your desired companies, even the big and well-known ones. Not only that, there will also a walk interview held by some companies. The companies that you will meet here are SCHENKER, Trans 7, Trans TV, Djarum, Sinar Mas, Nestle, Wings, BCA Insurance, Toyota Astra Motor, Frisian Flag, HSBC, Epson, April, JNE, and many more. Wait no more! Prepare your CV and give it to many companies. Who knew you will get your dream job here?