Win Hotel, ideal hotel for business travelers in Blok M.
This hotel located at Jl. Panglima Polim Raya No. 99 is a business hotel equipped with facilities and services suit your needs especially business traveler one. Yap, Win Hotel is one of strategic business hotel in South Jakarta provides convenience as well as easy access to reach both business and leisure spots.
Located in strategic area of Blok M, Win Hotel ready to spoil you with easy and quick access to the office building to the famous shopping center in Blok M and around. Along with that, this hotel also provides comfortable rooms from 12 m2 to 30 m2 topped with free Wi-Fi to keep you updated with email and other business needs.
Meeting rooms with partition which can be easily adjusted for all events can be one of your considerations to choose Win Hotel as a strategic business place. Need to welcome your business partner in formal ambience? Restaurant and lounge of Win Hotel with modern minimalist concept are right choice to explore various delicious food and drink in a pleasant ambience. Last but not least, to complete your stay with Win Hotel, make sure to make free time and visit their spa at 3rd floor which offering cozy place to unwind.
Top photo source: https://www.pegipegi.com/hotel/