Want to start or look for a business opportunity? Here's how to make it a success!
Becoming an entrepreneur is not as easy as one might think. However, the stigma should not be a barrier to building a business. If you are one of those people who dream of creating and starting a business or business, try some of the following tips.
1. Choose The Business Type
Maybe the first step of building a business by determining the business you want to develop sounds normal. But it will affect how the continuity of your business. In addition, the business must be in accordance with the abilities and interests, the type of business must also be booming/happening or you can also create a business that has values, characteristics, or uniqueness. The people of the capital city have a tendency to follow trends and are always interested in innovation. Try to think about these two elements to make a business that is interesting and you can run.
2. Make Sure The Appropriate Capital & Budget
Initial capital is very important. You have to be good at managing finances to open a business with minimal expenses but still maintain quality. The people of Jakarta are very careful. Moreover, lately, there have been many phenomena regarding various businesses that were closed because they were found to have poor quality. Therefore it is better for you to spend more money than to lose the customer's trust.
3. Find a Trustworthy Business Partner
Two heads may seem difficult to build a business but four hands can go a long way in solving problems. Look for a trusted partner, it doesn't have to be family or close friends, it can be recommended by people around you with the quality of work you want. After that, divide the tasks and focus on their respective work roles.
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4. Seek A Lot of Information and Learn From Others
Around you, there must be many people who have started a business first. Learn from them, ask for opinions and dig up information on how to set up a business. Or read various books or articles about the business you are in.
5. Business Location Analysis & Survey
When you start a business, for example opening a food stall, you must first analyze the location of your business. Make sure that your shop's surroundings are places that need your food. Check if there are similar stalls nearby and find out who your competitors are. If you are not careful, your business will quickly go out of business. Not to mention the access around locations that might be a source of congestion in Jakarta. No one would want to visit if they had to go through traffic jams, would they?
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6. Predict The Upcoming (3 Years) Trends & Innovation
Business success comes from the neatness of your business plan. Although you won't know what will happen next year, at least you can predict beforehand by digging for information or creating the culture you want the following year to be. With this step, you can anticipate all possibilities that will happen to your business.
7. Focus on Target
The current era seems to only belong to the young. Starting from the teens from 13 years to middle age adults 35 years are very productive people. Unless the government is inhabited by people over 40 years old, or other fields that are related to technology and culture are dominated by young people. In this regard, then know who your market share is and focus on your target market. Your product or service in the future will not experience significant changes just because of the age difference in the target set if you previously evaluated and focused on achieving your business or business targets.