Enjoy Indonesian authentic dish at Kembang Goela Restaurant.
Located in Sudirman area, you might have passed the Plaza Sentral building a lot of times and see the signage with Kembang Goela Restaurant logo. From the name Kembang Goela, that means Candies, we can tell that the restaurant is highlighting the thick vintage Indonesian dish. Yup, Kembang Goela Restaurant is serving Indonesian-Dutch fusion food and covered with the modern colonial ambience.
Entering the restaurant you will be greeted by the beautiful flower arrangement and classic interior with vintage chandeliers. Plates are styled tidily on the tables. You will see wall ornaments with images of Javanese Sultan and Sunan. Accompanied with live music, your meals in this restaurant will be more comfortable. The restaurant is established in 2005 and has main dining room besides the Rijsttafel room that you can book for a special meeting or feast.
The food you must try here is the Dendeng Balado Khas Kembang Goela, the beef cooked with balado (chili) sauce that is like nowhere else. The Ayam Mevrouw Lientje khas Sumatera Barat is also recommended. You can also open your meal with Asinan Sayoer Nyai Dasimah, Loempia Semarang, or Sosis Sinyo Londo. For rice menu, you can try the Rijst Koening Kembang Goela, Nasi Bakar Cakalang, Nasi Pandan Wangi, or Nasi Langgi Lima Serangkai.
The noodle, poultry, seafood, and vegetable menus can also be ordered to complete your meal. As desserts you will be pleased with the beautiful presentations of De Javanese Tape, Asem Reges, Broeder Tape, or Kembang Goela Tiramisu. The beverage Ice Bendera is also served beautifully with the red and white to copy the national flag. Selamat menikmati!