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Have an E-Commerce site? These are 5 Ways to Attract Buyers Through the Contact Page!

Miranti Devina
04 August 2016

Take a peek at how to maximize your contact page to attract buyers here. Check this out!

Photo by Zyro on Unsplash
Did you know that the contact page on buying and selling sites can also influence sales figures? Because with the contact page, site visitors who were initially just looking around will likely become interested in buying by asking further questions. Read tips for maximizing your contact page below!

1. Simple & Concise Column
You need to remember that the goal of internet users using the internet is to make life easier, not make it more difficult. That's why the contact page columns don't need to be too long, just 3 to a maximum of 5 columns. A contact page that is too long will only give visitors a tiring impression so they will be lazy to fill it out.

Photo by Alvaro Reyes on Unsplash
2. Delete the Telephone Number Column
In 2010, Dan Zarrella of HubSpot analyzed more than 40,000 landing pages about which contact fields asked for a phone number and which didn't. As a result, contact pages that don't ask for a phone number have higher conversion rates.

Yup, prospective buyers tend not to like giving out contact numbers too easily because they don't want to be 'chased' by sales officers. You yourself have ever felt annoyed if a salesperson bombarded you over the phone, right?

You can ask for the prospective buyer's telephone number afterward via e-mail reply because prospective buyers who are serious about continuing the business will not hesitate to provide their contact number.

3. Avoid using the word "submit"
The word "submit" which in Indonesian means to hand over or submit, hurts potential contact page fillers. In Google Translate, the word submit in English itself means agreeing to something under pressure. That's why it would be better if you replaced it with "Send", "Click Here", or "Continue/Go".

Photo by KOBU Agency on Unsplash
4. Give a guarantee that your e-mail will be answered
Prospective buyers will feel safe when you include an e-mail response period. You can use numbers for accurate guarantees, for example for 1x24 hours or 1 day. Avoid just using the words immediately or as soon as possible because they only provide vague certainty.

If you want more detail, you can also include the name and photo of customer service so that potential buyers are more confident that their message will be answered by a human, not an automatic answering machine.

5. Do A/B Testing
After knowing what columns must be included, now consider how to arrange the columns.

You can find out which design is more attractive to potential buyers by doing A/B testing first. A/B testing is comparing two types of an item/design (in this case, of course, your contact page design) and which one gets more feedback.

If you use WordPress, A/B testing can be done at If you want to upload your design, you can do a test via and select Preference Test. Please try and see the difference!

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