YARSI Dental and Oral Hospital (RSGM) ready to give you painless treatments yet excellent services to get rid all of your dental and oral problems.
Most people have a lot of doubt when facing dentists for any reasons including pain. Hence, we need to see dentists regularly to maintain good oral health especially for those who have dental problems including bleeding gums, irregular teeth (wisdom teeth), and any kind of problems which make you pain, it would be better to be treated well by right specialist dentists.
There are a lot of factors make people afraid to see dentists including trauma from previous treatments, bad equipment, and so forth. YARSI Dental and Oral Hospital (RSGM) ready to give you painless treatments yet excellent services to get rid all of your dental and oral problems.
Concept of Indonesia Painless Dental Care Center (IDCC) began while RSGM YARSI encourage people to see dentists to take care of their oral health including children and people with special needs. Most times, with their disabilities, both parents and medical staff cannot give dental care optimally.
Painless Dental Care at RSGM YARSI provides unique approach strategies suit patient needs including:
1. Hypnodontics
Gives positive suggestions help patients feel relax and get comfortable during treatments.
2. Sedation
There are two sedation techniques (produce a state of calm or sleep):
- Inhalation sedation: using inhalation anaesthetic with fruit aroma to make patients relax. After few deep breathing, patients can still communicate or give respond. This technique usually used in both developed and advanced countries such as United States, United Kingdom, and Australia.
- Intravenous sedation: using infusion helps patients to get maximum relaxation.
Both are important to do before treatments for some reasons including make sure patients willingly open their mouth without causing trauma, do not feel afraid while hearing sound of equipment working (machine), or even seeing, make sure all treatments running effectively, make sure patients feel comfortable enough to open their mouth in a long period of time and as a best solution to build communication with children and people with special needs.
3. General Anaesthesia
For those who need comprehensive dental and oral care.
So, people do not need to feel afraid or doubt to see dentists while they have any problems with mouth and teeth because RSGM YARSI ensures all approach strategies they provides are painless and comfortable.
Instagram: @rsgmyarsi
Top Photo Source: https://rsgmyarsi.com