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Google Changes Its Logo

Miranti Devina
31 August 2015

Google Changes Its Logo

You may already use Google frequently as one of the search engines that ease your needs to get information. But do you realize that the logo of this biggest search engine in the world is already changed? Yup, Google has redesigned its new logo.

One of the changes is on its font type. When you take a look in more detail, the letter G on search box consists of the colors of blue, red, yellow, and green.

There is also a new tool such as Google mic. Google mic. makes you able to interact and identify something you will search with Google, with three interaction options such as talking, tapping, or typing.

Now the Google logo looks more old-school but still has a modern side. Just like the motto, its new logo keeps bringing a touch of simplicity, neat, colorful, and friendly for their users. Happy googling!  

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