Get to Know More About Taman Suropati Menteng
For you who often pass the Menteng area, you may be already familiar with Taman Suropati (taman: park). This park was once named Burgemeester Bisschopplein, which named after the first Batavian Mayor, G.J. Bisshop. This park becomes the center of Menteng area and connects three main streets in Menteng, which are Jl. Imam Bonjol, Jl. Teuku Umar, and Jl. Diponegoro. Firstly, this park was shaped like a hill, but then it had been cut and the cuts then thrown to Jl. Besuki. The trees and plants here has been grown since 1920. No wonder the trees now are so shady and make the park so breezy.
On weekend, there are lots of art communities who make this park as the gathering place. You can see plenty of people playing music instruments, such as violin and guitar. And you are allowed to join them if you want to learn about music instruments for free. In here, you can also find a family having a picnic, or a group of friends chitchatting on a picnic mat with picnic basket. Or the people who keep in shape with exercising around this park. There are also several artefacts came from ASEAN countries to show the spirit of ASEAN. So, for you who want to enjoy a new weekend ambience, drop by to Taman Suropati. Don’t forget to keep this park clean anyway!