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Find Out About MRT Jakarta at Dukuh Atas Mini Information Center

Isny DR.
23 January 2019

Mini information center at Dukuh Atas MRT Station.

PT Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) builds a mini information center or information service center at Dukuh Atas MRT Station. The service center, which has been inaugurated since December last year, serves to provide all information regarding to MRT which will soon be operational in March 2019. All information about MRT can be found here. People can come here and there will be officers who will explain the information you needed with pleasure.

Mini information center is open Monday - Friday, 08.00 - 17.00 WIB, while Saturday & Sunday at 07.00 - 11.00 WIB. PT MRT Jakarta hopes that mini information center can makes it easier for Jakartans to learn about the development and operational services of MRT Jakarta. For those wanting only taking pictures also doesn't matter.

Photo Source: @mrtjkt

Still in the same location, there is also a park. A number of interesting activities are often held at Taman Dukuh Atas during car free day, such as MRT Menari, Musik Pagi, Yoga Dukuh Atas, Cerita Dukuh Atas, Eksperimen Sosial Disabilitas, Sosialisasi Dunia Penyandang Tuli, Edukasi Pengurang Transportasi Pribadi, Dukuh Atas Workout and more. The activities are held to make Jakartans feel more comfortable here and increasingly interested in using MRT when they are operational later.

The mini information center booth itself is made quite unique with the Ratangga design (the name for MRT Jakarta). There are chairs and tables at the booth. There are also brochures related to MRT information that can be taken free. One brochure contains information about the origin of Ratangga name.

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