GBK and Bundaran Senayan footbridges are officially reopened.
Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan yesterday reopened two footbridges on Jalan Jenderal Sudirman. The two footbridges are Gelora Bung Karno and Bundaran Senayan.
"These three bridges were built Alhamdulillah it was completed, some ae still in the finishing phase," said Anies under the GBK footbridge. The three bridges that Anies refers to are GBK, Bundaran Senayan, and Polda Metro Jaya, which are still in completion.
"Special for Polda is still in the fireplace on the sidewalk. Insya Allah, the next few days can be used," said Hari Nugroho. The lifts in the two footbridges that have been reopened also cannot be used yet. The Daichi branded lifts are still in production process. The plan is to have two elevators in each footbridge. "May 2019 can be used," Hari adding.
With the opening of GBK and Bundaran Senayan footbridge, the pelican crossings are no longer functioned. At 12.00 Thursday, pelican crossing was closed. All crossing access is now return to using footbridge.
Revitalization of three footbridges on Jalan Jenderal Sudirman began on November 1, 2018. Initially the revitalization was targeted to be completed by the end of December 2018. The administration uses compensation funds paid by PT Permadani Khatulistiwa Nusantara, for adding more floors on its building than the initial plan.