Fight sexual harassment with Hollaback! Jakarta.
Hollaback! Jakara is a safe haven for anyone who wants to talk about the experience of sexual harassment they had in public spaces. This community has existed since 2015 in New York, United States as a great movement against sexual harassment.
The establishment of Hollaback! Jakarta none other than to increase the awareness, gather strength also motivating people, both those witnesses or someone experienced sexual harassment in public spaces. Hollaback! Jakarta encouraging them to speak out and fight back.
As witness or someone experienced the sexual harassment, you can tell and give them warn through official website of Hollaback! Jakarta without being afraid of bullying. This page is not equipped with comment section to minimize existence of cyber bullying. Moreover, you still get a great response, huge support from every reader who click the “I’ve Got Your Back!” button.
With Hollaback! Jakarta, you can fight any kind of sexual harassment which is happening every single day in public spaces. The more people discussing about it, talking about it, the more people aware and concern that every single person specially woman has right to feel safe wherever they are without having a single fear of being harassed by others.