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Facial with Reasonably Price at Natasha Skin Care

Isny DR.
02 December 2019

Natasha Skin Care offers facial with reasonably price of less than Rp 300 thousand.

There are many beauty clinics in Jakarta for you that offer various types of facial to pamper and enhance your face. The price offered also varies, some charge up to millions of rupiah for one treatment, there are also those who offer facial with a price of less than Rp 300 thousand. One of them is Natasha Skin Clinic Center or Natasha Skin Care.

If you are interested in doing treatment at this beauty clinic, you can book by phone. However, the queue number remains determined according to the time of your arrival. Natasha Skin Care in Kuningan City, South Jakarta, open at 10:00 to 22:00 WIB, following the mall operational hours. However, it’s strongly recommended to arrive no later than 18:00.

The first stage, you are asked to register. Then, you will be advised to consult to a doctor first. The consultation session at Natasha Skin Care only lasted about 10 minutes. Doctors only ensure that treatment is appropriate for your skin type.

Just like facial in general, treatment begins with cleaning your face using cleansing milk and massaging lightly in your face and shoulder area. Then the therapist takes out your blackheads but still using conventional method, so you will feel pain in your face. After the cleansing process, the therapist applies the serum to your face using a special tool, then covered with a mask for 15 minutes.

In addition to facial, one of the leading treatments at this skin clinic is Photodynamic Theraphy Infrared which can overcome the problem of inflamed acne while rejuvenating your skin. The process is quite simple, the face is first exposed to a special instrument for 20 minutes. This process doesn’t cause pain or heat. After both treatment process is complete, your face will feel fresher.

Facial at Natasha Skin Care is very affordable, only Rp. 200,000. As for Photodynamic Theraphy Infrared only Rp 250,000. In addition to treatment, you are also required to buy anti-irritating cream for Rp. 80,000. Do you interested in doing treatment here?


Top Photo Credit: Instagram @natashaskincare

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