Exhibition of Mice Cartoon, October 27 - November 11 2018 at Bintaro Xchange.
For any cartoon enthusiasts in Indonesia, you should probably familiar with this name, Mice Cartoon. Muhammad Mirsyad, a cartoonist, also known as Mice successfully delivered daily life of Indonesian people, especially Jakartans in form of entertaining cartoons. You can see various kind of his works through comics, Instagram, YouTube also official website of Mice Cartoon.
Celebrating Youth Pledge Day, Mice Cartoon collaborated with Bintaro Jaya Xchange Mall hold an event “Muda Mudi Harapan Bangsa” (Hope Trough Youth). Here, you can find great works of Mice Cartoon related to youngsters, back then and now.
The event will be held October 27th to November 11th also filled with talk show and interesting workshop for free. There is also a merchandise and comic books sales, all the result will be given to the victims of natural disasters. Do not forget to mark your calendar!