Ning's Spa & Stone Therapy with complete traditional body treatment.
After passing a good weekend, you may find your body stiff from stuck in traffic or strolling around. To get back your fit body, you can enjoy traditional spa at Ning’s Spa & Stone Therapy in Cibubur.
Ning’s Spa & Stone Therapy provides total traditional head-to-toe treatment use natural ingredients so your children can enjoy this spa, such as Perfect Kids Fruit & Milk Body Treatment, use fruit and milk for 60 minutes treatment, Kids Massage, 50-minute massage use olive oil and Baby Massage, special massage for 40 days to 2 years baby for 35 minutes.
For those who do not have much time to enjoy full body treatments can choose Traditional Back Massage with olive oil or aromatherapy for 30 minutes, Hand Massage or Foot – Hot Stone Massage for 60 minutes which perfect to relax your tired leg muscles. They use heated volcanic stones up to 40 degrees Celsius to massage your foot.
But, if you have enough time to enjoy whole body treatment, you can choose one of them also other treatments include facial, totok (face pressure), body scrub & mask, ratus (spa treatment for vagina), breast treatment also acupuncture. Complete your treatment with their homemade jamu (traditional Indonesian herbal medicine) made of natural ingredients at affordable prices, start from Rp10.000 per glass, such as beras kencur (made of rice and galangal), kunyit asem (made of turmeric), jahe merah (red ginger), temulawak (curcuma), teh daun sirsak (soursop leaves) dan galian putri (made of curcuma) for your health. Sounds perfect, right?