DoubleR Hair Studio has the best hairdresser.
Do you want to coloring or cutting your hair so bad? DoubleR Hair Studio can be one of your alternative places to make it true. This Sanjeev Kumar’s salon offers current hair cutting and coloring both for men and women as they wish, and of course it will satisfy you.
Aside using the best products, the beauty studio also has experienced hairdressers and stylish directors which had been studied in other countries such as Korea, Japan, Australia, to London.
Not just following the current style, DoubleR Hair Studio also creating their own hair style offered to their customers. This is absolutely makes customers convinced to entrust the salon at Central Park to handle their hair. Moreover, customers can consult first about what haircut that suits to them.
Beside cutting and styling, DoubleR Hair Studio also catering hair spa & relaxing, as well as nail treatment. The price ranged between Rp 50.000 to Rp 975.000. With cosy ambience and good services, make customers feel good to spend more time here.