DKI Jakarta Education Agency extends home learning process and negates National Examination in accordance with the government policy.
To prevent the spread of Coronavirus or COVID-19, the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta through DKI Jakarta Education Agency extends the home learning process until 5 April 2020. This was conveyed by the Head of DKI Jakarta Education Agency, Nahdiana, through Circular Letter Number 32 / SE / 2020 Regarding Home Learning During the Emergency of COVID-19, published Tuesday (24/3). Previously, home learning activities were held for two weeks, from 16 to 29 March 2020.
In addition, DKI Jakarta Education Agency also negates the National Examination. School Exams, graduation criteria, and class progress will be arranged in a separate technical guide, without going through face-to-face tests that collect students in classrooms.
Picture source: Instagram @kemdikbud.ri
"Even though teaching and learning activities are not carried out face-to-face and meet physically, we continue to appeal to the Head of the Education Unit to inform parents to continue to supervise and assist, and ensure that their children carry out learning activities at home. And no less important is to limit activities outside the home," Nahdiana said.
This policy was adopted based on the Circular of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 4 Year 2020 concerning the Implementation of Education Policy in the Emergency Period of the Spread of COVID-19 and the Governor's Call Number 6 of 2020 concerning Temporary Suspension of Office Activities in Order to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19 Plague in Jakarta.
Furthermore, according to the Minister of Education, Nadiem Makarim, in a limited meeting chaired by President Joko Widodo at the Merdeka Palace, in Jakarta, on Tuesday (24/3), the reason for the decision to negates National Exam is the principle of safety and health for students and their families.
Top picture source: Instagram @kemdikbud.ri