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Delicious Bakso Akiaw 99 that You Should Try

Isny DR.
23 July 2019

Bakso Akiaw 99, one of the most delicious meatball in Jakarta.

What kind of lunch do you want today? Meatball seems good. Especially if you taste it in ​​this Mangga Besar meatball kiosk this one. Yes, the area is known as the 'headquarters' of delicious cuisine. One of them is a legendary meatball stall that offers savory meatball different from the usual.

If usually meatball is served with extra noodles and tetelan (meat attached to the bone), at Bakso Akiaw 99 is more special. Here your tongue will be spoiled with a meatball along with tempting toppings such as sliced ​​beef, sengkel (front cow's legs meat), tendons, and tripe. While noodle choices consists of vermicelli, rice noodle and yellow noodle. As for the meatball, you can choose plain meatball, veins meatball or fish meatball.

The savory aroma of broth stew immediately burst into the meatball shop. Here you can try meatball package consisting of rice noodle, plain meatball and sliced beef as the topping. Or a portion of vein meatball with yellow noodle. Akiaw 99 meatball is quite big, yellow noodle with fried onion are served in a separate bowl with meatball. Once served at the table, a puff of smoke coming out of the bowl of meatball and gravy as it calling you to immediately eat it.

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The meatball broth is clear with a savory taste. While three plain meatballs have a chewy texture but are crunchy, they are quite easy to chew. It's the same as vein meatballs that are easy to chew even though there are chopped veins in it. Akiaw 99 meatball tastes even more delicious when you eat it with soft and fresh beef slices.

Even though it is located in an area where most of its people are Chinese descent, the Akiaw 99 meatball is guaranteed halal. The price of a meatball noodle is on sale for only Rp. 50,000. Meatball lovers are guaranteed to love this place!

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