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Dates-infused water, Healthy Drinks for Iftar and Sahur

Alinear Indonesia
07 April 2023

How to make it easy, plus it has a myriad of benefits to restore the body during fasting!

Photo by Rauf Alvi on Unsplash
In the month of Ramadan, dates are one of the fruits that are very easy to find as well as a characteristic of the coming month of Ramadan. Apart from being eaten directly, dates can also be made as an ingredient for infused water or also known as Nabeez which is rich in antioxidants.
Simply soaking 5-7 dates in 500 ml of water as an ingredient for infused water, you can consume them regularly as a menu for breaking your fast or eating at dawn. Then, what are the benefits of infused date water? Come on, see below!

Photo by Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash 
Infused water of dates that contain iron can help stabilize the body's metabolism, and red blood cells, as well as increase endurance. If you can drink it regularly, of course, it can help your body avoid various diseases.
Dates contain natural and high levels of sugar so they can provide the body with high energy too. But even though the sugar content is high, the glycemic index in dates is low, you know. So it can be said to be quite safe for consumption by diabetics.
Anemia (Avoiding)
Iron deficiency can cause anemia. Dates also contain iron which is also a good source of nutrition for the body and can help overcome anemia. If you can consume dates regularly, of course, you can relieve the symptoms of anemia.

Photo by Olga Nayda on Unsplash  
Cholesterol (Avoiding)
Dates-infused water if consumed regularly is also believed to eliminate bad cholesterol in the body. In addition, dates that contain high fiber also make them effective for dealing with digestive problems.
The presence of an alkaline content produced by infused water of dates makes it able to balance the acid content in the body. It can also detoxify toxins in the body.
Apart from being able to consume it directly, you can also add honey or mint leaves according to taste so that the infused water of the dates tastes more delicious. For pregnant women, you don't need to worry because this infused water is safe for consumption. Are you ready to try?

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