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Collaboration of Animation and Fashion in Animakini & CiFFest 2018

Eskanisa R
21 September 2018

Animakini and CiFFest 2018 is being held as a creative event.

Animakini and CiFFest 2018 is being held as a creative event to bring together any creative industries in animation, fashion field, high school, university, institution, UKM (small and medium enterprise in Indonesia) to the bigger industries.

Photo Source: Alinear doc.

This collaborative event officially opened on Friday, September 21th 2018 by Director of BEKRAF Research and Developing, Dr. Ir. Wawan Rusiawan, MM; Rector of Jakarta Art Institute (IKJ), Dr. Seno Gumira Ajidarma, S. Sn., M. Hum; and Dr. Indah Tjahjawulan as Dean of Study Program of Fine Arts IKJ. “With a great awareness of our culture, culture of Indonesia, BEKRAF Creative Labs has a timeline to dig potential items economically, for example animation subsector.”, said Wawan in the opening of Animakini & CiFFest 2018.

Bring the theme out “Proud to Buy Local Products”, collaboration of Animakini and CiFFest expected to be a complimentary in exhibition and fashion performances that using material related to the animation products, such as character, motion, lighting, develop a new innovation and deliver a pride in consumption, proud to consume local products.

Photo Source: Alinear doc.

Animakini and CiFFest 2018 had dozens interesting events such as Animation and Fashion Exhibition from 4 fashion schools, Animation Talk Show, Screening Animation, Academic Animation Seminar, Master Class, Trend Forecasting Indonesia 2019/2020 Seminar, Upcycling Creation Product Exhibition and Animation & Fashion Performances.


Instagram: @animakini

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