Some promising business you can do while New Year’s Eve without set up a lot of funds.
In the next two weeks, more less, we will celebrate the special moment that most people are waiting for, New Year. For those who have a big business spirit, they will not miss the perfect moment of New Year ‘s Eve to earn some money. Here are some promising business you can do while New Year’s Eve without set up a lot of funds.
1. Trumpet
When it comes to celebrating New Year, it seems trumpet has its own way of getting festive. You do not need to spend a lot of funds. You can find trumpet sellers at reasonable prices in Asemka Market or Bekasi. After getting the great price, you must find a strategic place to sell the trumpet, so you can provide some benefits.
2. Fireworks
Besides trumpet, New Year’s Eve also related to fireworks. Still in the same area, Asemka Market, you can find fireworks seller as well that offer both local and imported fireworks at reasonable prices. Along with Asemka Market, you can find quality fireworks at Pasar Pagi, Tambora, West Jakarta.
3. Food
Culinary business considered to be one of the most promising businesses throughout the year. What kind of perfect meals to accompany your New Year’s Eve? You can choose either food that easy to process or quickly served, such as sausages and grilled meatballs or corn and grilled chicken. Let’s earn some money for New Year!