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Bu Mut’s Super Spicy Sambal Makes You Addicted

Eskanisa R
26 December 2019

Bu Mut’s Super Spicy Sambal Makes You Addicted

Established in 1998, this roadside food stall located opposite Headman Office of Bandungan Hilir always crowd with hungry food enthusiasts. People are lining up more and more night to enjoy spiciness of Bu Mut’s sambal (chili paste).

You can find glass display window with abundant side dishes ready to fry as perfect companion of its super spicy sambal. There are also lined plastic containers containing side dishes such as chicken, fish, goldfish, pomfret, catfish, tilapoa, gourami, peda, (fermented fish), tofu, tempeh, squid, jengkol (dogfruit), pete (bitter bean) and skin satay.


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Every day, Bu Mut use more than 30kgs cayenne pepper for sambal. It probably looks like other ordinary sambal which consists of cayenne pepper, shrimp paste from Cirebon, salt, sugar, fresh tomatoes and flavouring, but it has complex taste, savoury, spicy, and of course addictive.


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Side dishes you chose will be served on a long wooden table complete with plate of warm white rice, blanch water spinach, sliced cucumber and sambal in small plates. You can see clearly skin, chilli seeds, and its juice which are tempting and ensure make your tongue burning.

To get rid of heat and spiciness, you can order glass of warm sweet tea, munching sliced cucumbers and blanch water spinach. For those who dare to try this spicy sambal make sure to come early to not run out side dishes.


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