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Get to Know About the Indonesia’s Oldest Commercial Bank

Victoria Tunggono
16 December 2015

Get to Know About the Indonesia’s Oldest Commercial Bank, BNI 46

Bank Negara Indonesia or known as BNI 46 is a state-owned bank. This bank was established by Margono Djojohadikusumo, a member of BPUPKI (The Investigating Committee for Preparatory Work for Indonesian Independence). He gave a large contribution to Indonesia’s banking world because he succeeded on giving values and business perspective on banking. Because of BNI was established in 1946, so now BNI is known with the name of BNI 46.

In 1960s, BNI made a banking movement to support the economic matters in Indonesia with a goal to serve every economic society from Sabang to Merauke. After the 1998 monetary crisis, BNI tried to gain their customer’s trust back with restructuration, including their logo rebranding. Dominated with tosca and orange color, these colors become BNI 46’s identity.

BNI 46 has 4 company cultures, there are professionalism, integrity, customer oriented, and continuous improvement. Based on those cultures, BNI 46 keeps giving the best service to their customers. No wonder, many customers feel satisfied with the service of BNI 46. Not only in Indonesia, BNI 46 has 6 branches abroad, such as New York, Hong Kong, London, Tokyo, Osaka, and Singapore. Also South Korea will follow. These branches abroad intended to serve Indonesian people in those countries. Besides that, BNI 46 looks forward to keep exploring about chances on doing business in international trade which can bring Indonesia up to global banking. Proud!

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