Bicycling Around the World with Polygon
This bicycle brand is usually thought to come from outside of Indonesia, but it is actually an Indonesian brand. The brand is under the company PT Insera Sena that produces BMX bike, mountain bike, road bike, urban bikes, and youth bikes. Polygon bicycles are already exported to five continents with a total of 50 countries worldwide.
What made PT Insera Sena could export the bikes internationally? The answer is the quality that is always carried as the company’s main priority. A series of tests are conducted in each of the bike’s parts before it is going to be released to the market. Even before it forms as a bicycle, the materials have to go through a quality control process to meet the company’s standards. No wonder the price is worth to be compared with other top bike brands, right?
PT Insera Sena was established in 1989 and its main factory is located in Sidoarjo, East Java. Each year this company produces at least 550,000 units of bikes. 70% of the productions are exported and the rest is marketed in the country. Currently, Polygon bikes are used in some big countries such as Japan, Korea, Singapore, England, Germany, The United States, and South Africa.
The name Polygon was taken because it represents the company’s character, which has many sides but aim on one purpose. The design and production teams of Polygon are bikers themselves. So you don’t have to worry about the quality of the bikes they create because of the team’s knowledge and understanding of bicycle helps in producing the best products. Are you interested on buying? You can visit the Polygon official dealer in the info and contact detail column below!