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Best Digital Marketing Tips for Businesses & Startups

Eskanisa R
16 September 2019

These 3 things are feasible to apply to any business in digital.

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash
Digital marketing and startups are two sides of the same coin. Not surprisingly, digital marketing which takes the advantage of technology successfully managed to replace conventional marketing promotion. It is simply because, all promotion activities in the form of photos, videos, and so forth through social media are proven to be able to reach consumers at a glance of the eyes. However, it doesn’t mean digital marketing has no weaknesses. Here are simple tips you should know to achieve success in the world of digital marketing and startups.

Photo by Kendall Ruth on Unsplash
1. Brand Awareness
Besides being used as a promotion tool, social media can be used to introduce your business (products or services). Every single day, millions of people actively use social media including Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and so forth. Make your brand known among social media users, and make them believe your products (or services) answer their needs. Also, make sure you choose the right social media which can be easily accessed by them (consumers).
2. Creativity
Great content is important while doing promotion. Along with that, a persuasive marketing strategy is believed to be able to attract potential consumers to buy every single product (or service) you offer. It doesn’t only focus on the promotion, but also on the educational side to provide a lot of insights to consumers as the answer if your products (or services) can solve their ‘problems’.

Photo by on Unsplash
3. Maximizing SEO
With any kind of content and email marketing to give a lot of insights as well as bring convenience to consumers to buy your products (or services), you can also work with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to make your content top-notch when potential consumers are thirsty for information of your products.
Therefore, great content, appealing captions, and an attractive website are not enough to bring a lot of visitors. At this point, SEO plays an important role to gain traffic to your website. There are several points of SEO that determined the ranking of search engine results (using Google) like keyword research. You can maximize free keyword research tools including Google Trends, Answer The Public, SEMrush, and so forth to find the right keywords related to your content to gain traffic for your website.

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