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These are 5 Benefits of Jamu for Your Beauty and Health

Eskanisa R
12 July 2018

A drink from Indonesia which is rich in benefits and properties for your health and beauty. Find the benefits of your favorite Jamu!

Photo by Bluebird Provisions on Unsplash  
Some people consider jamu, traditional Indonesian herbal medicine a familiar drink that has a great amount of health and skin benefits. Here are 5 types of the most popular traditional Indonesian herbal drinks and their benefits.
1. Kunyit Asam
Made of turmeric, tamarind, palm sugar, and a little pinch of salt, this kind of herbal drink becomes one of the most popular herbal drinks that has a great amount of skin and health benefits. Kunyit Asam also known as turmeric tonic helps to relieve menstrual pains, lose body fat, prevent unpleasant smells, and boost stamina. Vitamins A and C have the potential to reduce acne.

Photo by Fauzan on Unsplash 
2. Beras Kencur
Kids, as well as adults, will enjoy this kind of herbal drink, Beras Kencur. Made of white rice, Kaempferia galanga, ginger, tamarind, turmeric, and palm sugar, Beras Kencur is not only tasty but also makes your body feel more refreshed. Along with those benefits, Beras Kencur helps to reduce acne, lighten skin and stop excess sebum production.
3. Pahitan
Unlike other herbal drinks, Pahitan has a unique taste. Pahitan is a herbal drink with a very bitter taste made from Daun Sambiloto (bitter leaves herb) as the main ingredient helps to prevent the unpleasant smell, lower diabetes risk, get rid of dizziness also tame excessive gas. Other ingredients like Brotowali (medical plants have a bitter taste after being boiled) and fennel help reduce acne.

Photo by Miti on Unsplash
4. Sirih
Having the same taste as Jamu Pahitan (an herbal drink with a bitter taste), sirih also known as Betel leaves has a great amount of health benefits, like getting rid of black or brown menstrual blood. While you consume betel leaves herbal drink during the period, your black or brown caused by stress, depression, or use of medications will be thrown out. Along with that, this herbal drink also helps prevent the unpleasant smell, and white stool as well as to lighten skin naturally.
5. Temulawak
Curcuma Zanthorrhiza also known as Javanese ginger or Temulawak has a substance name curcumin, an active property that helps increase your appetite. Along with curcumin, this herbal drink also has other active properties like attire oil and antioxidant effectiveness to prevent arthritis and stomach ulcers.

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