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How to Easily Clear Your Google Search History

Isny DR.
16 January 2018

How to Easily Clear Your Google Search History

Every day billions of users around the globe perform several million searches on Google. We might be search for over hundreds of terms, websites, images, and videos on Google to keep up with the rest of the world. But how does one swipe off the entire Google search log?

Do not worry! Here is how you can clear all your searches ever made right from one single place, My Activity.

Access Google My Activity by logging in to Click on 'Delete activity by', Chose the day, which includes today, yesterday last 7 days, last 30 days, all time and custom. Choose the 'Product'. Select 'Search' and 'Image Search' options. Click 'Delete'.

My Activity by Google is a common tracker for all your searches, given that you are searching for those contents while logged in your Google account. It not only shows how many searches have you made using Chrome browser, but also gives you a detailed list of how many apps have you used and how many times on your Android smartphone. Regular search and image search are also shown besides other options such as what app did you search for on Google Play Store and on how many ads have you clicked on. It even shows your searches in bundles based on a website.


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