BEAU Bakery presents a warm atmosphere that comes from the interior and the smell of fresh baked goods that burst in the room.
Maybe some of you are familiar with the name Talita Setyadi. After graduating from one of the prestigious culinary schools in Paris, Talita returned to Indonesia in 2013. She was determined to open her own bakery that combines international flavors with quality local ingredients.
As a result of her exploration of taste, BEAU was born. Thanks to its success, Talita's bakery managed to open branches in several prestigious locations in Jakarta, such as Senopati, Pacific Place, and which in July was officially opened, BEAU in the Panglima Polim area, South Jakarta.
The opening of the new outlet is at the same time a rebranding moment of BEAU by Talita Setiyadi into BEAU Bakery with the impression of being more casual and accessible to the wider community. As well as to appreciate the hard work of her team who have helped develop BEAU for five years.
BEAU Bakery Panglima Polim comes with an open kitchen concept, where every day visitors can watch live baking. In addition, this concept is made so that customers knowing the best ingredients used by BEAU Bakery. Live baking is also a place for BEAU Bakery bakers to show their skill. This bakery also presents a warm atmosphere that comes from the interior and the smell of fresh baked goods that burst in the room.
Their selection of viennoiseries comes aplenty, ranging from croissants, pain au chocolats, Danish and the like, and assorted loaves of breads such as rustic sourdough, baguette, and challah. BEAU croissants and Danishes are baked to perfection so that they are served fresh from the oven. You will be infatuated with the wonderful aroma of breads along with crispy texture and flakes of butter. Almond or chocolate, both are the best.
Photo Source: Instagram @beaujkt
In addition to baked goods, BEAU Bakery also offers several new menu for brunch, including Chicken Geprek Waffle, BEAU-BA Pancakes, V.O.G. Katsu Sando and variations on the vegan menu are also worth a try.
Top Photo Source: Instagram @beaujkt