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A Wine Before Bed Helps Lose Weight

Eskanisa R
19 October 2017

Did you know that wines help lose weight? Resveratrol in wines helps lose weight by changing white fat into beige fat. Check out this article to get more insights.

Photo by Mathilde Langevin on Unsplash

Do you know if wines help lose weight? Not only healthy meals and workouts, but wines also help you to lose weight significantly when consume in a moderate amount. A recent study by Washington State University, America showed wines have resveratrol contents strongly associated with weight loss. Is that true?

Resveratrol in wines helps lose weight by changing white fat into beige fat. White fat has two different types, neutral fat stored beneath the surface of the skin and bad fat stored around organs.

While beige fat is an easy fat to burn during a workout and turns into energy. In other words, resveratrol in wines has characteristics changing white fat into beige fat, easy fat to burn into energy.

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Take this important note, wines can also have some negative side effects when it comes to excessive intake. It shows certain risk factors may increase heart disease and cancer. Based Harvard University study, a glass of wine (150 ml), red or white, is 70 percent likely to reduce the risk of obesity and diabetes.

Besides that, resveratrol makes you relax as well as suppresses your appetite. It means wines you drink before bed help to reduce your bad habit to eat in the middle of the night.

Based on Nord-Trondelag Health Study, Norway, those who drink wines in a moderate amount are less likely to develop depression than those who never drink it.  

Those who cannot drink wines can find the benefit of resveratrol to help lose weight from other sources, such as blueberry, grape, and strawberry.

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