A Little Pampering at Martha Tilaar Salon Day Spa
Sometimes normal daily activities make you want to do relaxation. Spa seems perfect choice to little loosening up of those tight muscles. To find a comfortable spot, Martha Tilaar Salon Day Spa in Gandaria, South Jakarta can be your top choice.
Since 2012, Martha Tilaar Salon Day Spa providing the best experience for their customers and always looking for ways to improve. It can be seen by their professional therapists to acknowledge various treatments they offer, improving quality of Martha Tilaar Salon Day Spa.
photo source: www.marthatilaarspa.com
To complete your relaxation time, Martha Tilaar Salon Day Spa gives a special touch in their design including lighting, in every treatment rooms. Seems like an art space, this three storey building provided with teak wood furniture that offers both elegant and modern look.
photo source: www.marthatilaarspa.com
If you think Martha Tilaar Salon Day Spa seemingly equal with the other spas, you probably wrong. Because, it is offering different body treatment, like Dewi Sri Spa Body Bliss. Some kind like most popular spa treatments at Martha Tilaar Salon Day Spa, combination of natural ingredients they use, sandalwood oil, rose, jasmine also rice extract are helpful in skin refreshing, brightening and tightening. Along with those body treatments, it also offering another hair to toe treatments suit your needs. For further information, please kindly visit their official website down below. Happy pampering!