The secret of how to make your house look elegant in a simple. Let's, take a peek here!

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Place your towels in a neat roll with one color of towel. For example, white or pastel colors of the same color. Avoid colorful colors so that the color palette remains focused on matching colors. Store them and arrange them in a place, like a cute rattan basket. You can also store it on a shelf in the bathroom, making it easier to take it when you want to use it. This can also make the appearance look more expensive as is usually seen in five-star hotels and resorts. To get a luxurious impression, make sure you also choose good quality towel material so that it looks expensive.

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Doing window shopping can give you inspiration and fresh ideas to make your home look more comfortable and expensive. If you want to add a luxurious impression to your home, it's a good idea to visit a high-end store. From here you can copy how they mix and match colors and arrange a room to make it look more attractive, comfortable, and elegant.

Photo source: Pinterest
Social media is a place of inspiration and also a reference for those of you who want to create your dream home. Just mention Instagram and Pinterest where you can get inspiration and home and décor references. You can save various favorite home décor pages according to your home decor tastes. Apart from that, magazines can also be a reference source for getting interesting ideas for applying attractive decorations so that the appearance of the house stands out more.

Photo source: Pinterest
Lighting arrangements are one of the important things for interior designers. Lighting settings can determine and help the atmosphere of the house look more attractive. The importance of lighting arrangements in the house has a significant impact, such as giving the house a wider effect, providing a depth effect, creating new room areas, and providing a cozy effect. Make sure you choose the right lights so that the atmosphere of the house looks more charming. You can also consult with interior designers who have deeper experience.

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Yes! Ornamental plants can make the atmosphere of a room look fresher. One of the ornamental plants that many people like is flowers. This plant has various types and colors. Flowers can make the atmosphere of the house more friendly and lively. Apart from flowers, leaf plants can also make the room feel cooler and cooler. Usually, foliage plants are suitable to be kept in the corners of the room to fill the void. Not only can they beautify the atmosphere, but ornamental plants can also maintain mental health.

Photo source: Pinterest

Photo source: Pinterest