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8 Healthy Lifestyles for a Longer Life

Alinear Indonesia
15 November 2023

"Money is valuable, but time is more valuable." Want to Live 20 Years Longer? Try starting to implement these 8 lifestyle styles!

Did you know that a simple lifestyle can add to a longer life? This is based on a study conducted by a health science specialist at the US Department of Veterans Affairs who is also a student at the Carle Illinois College of Medicine, explaining:
The findings of this study indicate that adopting a healthy lifestyle is important for public health and personal well-being. The earlier it is done, the better. Even if you are in your 40s, 50s, or 60s, this is still a good thing to do to achieve a simple and useful lifestyle. Apart from being able to prolong life, it will also be useful for creating a quality lifestyle.
What is meant by a healthy lifestyle? Check it out below!

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash  
1. Have positive social relationships
The impact of positive social relationships can actually prolong life, you know. Especially in an era like today where there are still many people who are more concerned with social status. What about you? Do you already have positive social relationships? If not, start early.
2. Self-control & Don't stress
Of course, stress is probably unavoidable and will always come into your life. However, with good and correct self-control, this also turns out to have an impact on age. One of the things you can do to have self-control and stress is very simple! Try listening to songs according to your playlist that you think can calm your anxiety. Try to control your breathing. This is likely to have a calmer effect on your mind.

Photo by Wes Hicks on Unsplash  
3. Don't consume too much alcohol
Of course, many people like to consume alcohol. However, it turns out that reducing the amount or frequency you drink alcohol can provide positive things apart from your health and also your age. So, for those of you who still like to drink alcohol regularly, start reducing it. Apart from that, you will experience a better quality of life. However, you have to be patient...
4. Good Diet
Well, diet is also important, you know! Try, do you have a good and regular eating pattern in your daily routine? Yes, this is one of the crucial things and must be done if you want to have a better life and a long life.

Photo by Nadine Primeau on Unsplash
5. Adjust your sleep pattern
Did you know that your sleep pattern will have a lot of influence on your health and lifespan? Approximately 20% will have a positive effect on you.
6. Regular physical activity and exercise
For those of you who don't like exercising, try looking for other physical activities. This will have a high impact on your life. Apart from fitness/gym, there are still many activities you can do. And, if you have found it, try to do it regularly.

Photo by Deniz Altindas on Unsplash 
7. Avoid excessive use of pain medication
Frequently taking too much pain medication can reduce your quality of life. For those of you who are advised to consume as recommended, do so according to the recommended dose. However, you need to know and remember that excessive use of medication is not good for your health.
8. No smoking
Yes, for those of you who don't smoke, enjoy yourself because it is hoped that you will have a long life. Some fun facts say that by not smoking, you will live seven years longer, you know... So, make this your motivation to always live a healthy life by not smoking. For active smokers, you should start reducing it. By not smoking, your body will feel different (healthier) and your body will adapt to new things.

Photo by JJ Shev on Unsplash
It's never too late to start something better. The 8 lifestyle patterns above are very simple, right? However, in reality, it is very difficult to do it in a balanced manner. But, start with the ones you like best, and gradually implement the others. Come on, start early!

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