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7 Tips To Drive Safe on the Highway

Victoria Tunggono
04 March 2016

7 Tips To Drive Safe on the Highway

The long straight highway can make you swayed and drowsy, especially when it is empty. You must have heard often about the accidents that happen on the highway, right? For this, Alinear is sharing few tips to drive safely on the highway. Check these out!

1. Prepare Stamina
On the highway or not, sleepiness is the main enemy for drivers. Before driving, make sure you are fit. If you get sleepy on the way, pull over and get some rest at the rest area. Avoid resting on the road shoulder because it can only be used for emergency situation such as flat tire or broken machine. Chew a gum to keep you awake. Also make sure you are healthy so you can fully concentrate on the road. You don’t want to get interrupted from your sickness while driving, don’t you?

2. Drive Right
Driving calm and not in a rush are the key for save driving on the highway. Keep distance with other vehicles and watch the minimum and maximum speed signs on the roadside. Also position your hands equally on the wheel, with your right hand on the 3 o’clock and left hand on the 9. Don’t forget to always use the sign lamp whenever you want to change lanes. And the most important thing is, always use the safety belt.

3. Keep Distance by Watching the Cat Eye
You must have seen this red or yellow lights patched on the road borders. This is called cat eye and it is the clue to safe distance and safe speed to brake between your car and other vehicles. Cat eye also functions to reflect light in the night. On a city highway, cat eye safe distance is about 10-20 meters while in the intercity will be 25-50 meters apart.

4. Always Remember, There are Sign Lamps!
Not only using it when you want to change lanes, you must always be aware with the sign lamps given from other vehicles so you can adjust your safe distance and speed.

5. Avoid Turning Your Head
If you want to see the rear mirrors when driving, make sure you only have a glance, not turning your hear over. The moment you are moving your head, another car could change lanes in only one second and you can be distracted for not focusing to the front.

6. Stimulate Tired Eyes
After too long focusing on the street, your eyes can get tired and need ‘an entertainment’. You can stimulate your eyes by glancing to the right or left. But remember, if you are sleepy it is better to take a rest at the rest area.

7. Prepare Emergency Tools
Yup, safety car kit or emergency tools is a must-have in your car. It usually consists of the safety triangle, jumper cable, fire extinguisher tube, and others. Spare tire is also a must have thing in a car. By having the emergency equipment you can at least do yourself the first aid while waiting for help to come. For example, if you have to stop at the road shoulder, you can put the safety triangle to warn the other cars.

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