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7 Simple Ways to Start a Podcast

Alinear Indonesia
28 April 2022

How to create Podcast with useful, fun, and digestible for your Audience?

Photo source: Unsplash
Did you know that podcasts can add value to your business or business? In this digital era, the presence of podcasts can provide several advantages and benefits for you. Both useful and useful as personal branding or branding your business. Creating a podcast doesn't have to be "High-Cost" or expensive, especially if you're just getting started. However, if you plan to pursue it, you should also start preparing carefully.
As reported by the website, the term podcast was first given by a journalist for The Guardian, Ben Hammersley, in 2004. The word podcast is an abbreviation of "play-on-demand" and "broadcasting". Then it was eventually adopted by one of Apple's products, namely the iPod and the Apple Podcast application. For those of you who are interested in making a podcast but are still confused about how to start, let's take a peek at how!
1. Choose the Topic You Like
Choose a topic you like. By choosing a topic and interest that you like, of course, you will work on it with all your heart, thus making your podcast content more valuable and ogled by many people. For example, if you like finance topics, you can discuss content about investing, economics, etc. If you like horror topics, you can discuss horror stories.

Photo source: Unsplash
2. Form a Podcast Identity
Establishing an identity for a podcast is similar to setting up a merchandise booth or storefront. You must determine how the podcast channel will be built, determine the name of the podcast channel, how to design the podcast cover, determine how many hosts will be involved in making your podcast, to how many times a month your podcast is broadcast. All these concepts must be thought out and made carefully. Because these things are basic and important components for starting a podcast.
Want to look more optimal? You can also make a jingle as your podcast intro music. There are tons of apps that provide interesting jingles to make your podcast more appealing to listeners. Examples of several applications that provide jingles to complement podcast needs include Creative Commons Music, Royalty-Free Music, Pixabay, 909 Music on Soundcloud, and However, before downloading music from these various applications, make sure you read the terms and conditions correctly.
If you plan to use a more professional service or service to create audio or music for your Podcasts, now many digital companies offer customization of audio or music creation for your Podcasts, such as SR Digital Indonesia which you can direct to manufacture with complete digital services for your Podcasts.

Photo source: Unsplash
3. Start Recording Voice Using Smartphone
Well, for beginners who want to try creating and starting a podcast, once you've found an interesting topic and content idea, the next step is implementation. The main thing you have to do is record the sound first. It's easy, just record sound using a smartphone as a simple first step if you don't have enough capital to buy your podcast equipment.
By having the knowledge and narrative structure to talk about in a podcast, as well as equipment such as a smartphone, laptop, and headphones or headset, you can start a podcast! Previously, make sure you record it in a quiet room so that the resulting sound quality can be heard clearly and is more awake. You have to worry about no one listening to your podcast, as long as your podcast material is useful and useful to listeners.
4. Edit Sound Recordings
As long as the podcast recording doesn't have a lot of noise (background noise), it's fine. But if you want the sound quality to sound clearer and softer, you can edit it using the Garageband or Audacity applications. This audio software really helps you to find suitable audio edits complete with the audio filters provided, and you can edit your own if you want to try it. Currently, there are many guides or tutorials that you can find on the internet.

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5. Create a Podcast Cover
When you're done creating content, make sure you don't forget to create an attractive podcast cover that fits your podcast identity. Then, if you don't have the skills to design and edit the cover, how do you do it? Don't worry, now you can use free templates like Canva or any other online design application. Here you can design various designs for your podcast cover according to your taste. How to use it is also easy for ordinary people.
6. Upload or Upload Your Podcast
Next, please upload your podcast content online on the platform of your choice. Some of the popular and frequently used digital platform options for uploading podcasts include Spotify, Google Podcasts, Filmora, Joox, Noise, and Spoon. Oh yes, you can also use Youtube for your podcast. In addition, you can also upload your podcast material or content to several social media such as Facebook or reels on business Instagram so that your podcast listeners are getting more and more.
If you want your podcast to be featured or included in our magazine, Alinear Indonesia is very welcome and we have a new program called #PodcastDiManaAja. We provide services where you can brand through podcasts, both for personal branding or your business, and include digital marketing planning such as online publications (magazines), promotions, and advertisements on several social media platforms that can improve your brand and business effectively! For questions or further information, please click the following link, Alinear For Business or you can contact us via WhatsApp here.

Photo source: Unsplash
7. Create a Podcast Schedule
Be consistent. Consistency is the way how you can get a lot of your loyal listeners. With a regular schedule, you will hold your loyal listeners to wait for your next podcast.
Come on, start branding your business or business through podcasts!
  • Can be an online material for brands and businesses.
  • Can add value to the brand or business.
  • Costs according to the results obtained (planning, manufacturing or production process, recording, editing recordings, video, audio).
  • Gain and increase trust in the brand or business to consumers.

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