Flu can be overcome by using various fairly easy methods. Here are some ways you can apply to overcome this.

Photo by Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash
By consuming lots of water, your body will get replacement fluids that have been lost and also cleanse the body of various toxins, germs, and bacteria that can cause disease.
You are also advised to consume warm drinks, such as hot tea and so on. This method can make the body warm and reduce discomfort in the throat due to flu.

Photo by Luismi Sánchez on Unsplash
Eating fruit and vegetables allows the body to regain its intake of vitamins and minerals which are useful for improving the immune system. That way, it becomes easier for the body to heal itself.
4. Take a shower with warm water
When you have the flu, use warm water to bathe to keep your body warm.
5. Gargle
Try gargling with warm water mixed with apple cider vinegar, ginger, turmeric, and salt. This solution is believed to be able to clean and kill bacteria in the mouth before it enters the throat

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash
Mix hot water with eucalyptus oil or ginger in a basin. Then use a towel to cover your head, and place your face above the basin. Try to breathe for a few minutes. The warm air produced by the water can open and clear a blocked nose.
7. Complete rest
This is the most effective way to treat various types of diseases. The body will regain its immune system and return to fitness after getting enough rest.
Hopefully, the tips above can help overcome the flu you are experiencing.