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7 Basic Human Abilities That May Be Lost Due to Technology

Nadia Latief
12 July 2017

As time progresses, digital technology is advancing at an unprecedented pace. In the near future, humans will likely be unable to perform these seven essential tasks... What do you think?

Photo source by Unsplash+ (Getty Images)
While this is undoubtedly beneficial for making human life easier, there are also adverse effects that can arise from the advancement of digital technology, specifically the loss of basic human abilities due to lack of use. This could lead to negative consequences in the future. What abilities might fade away because of technology? Read on below!
1. Writing
Due to digital technology, paper use in everyday life has drastically decreased. Many people type more often than they write by hand. If this trend continues, humans might eventually forget how to write. Indeed, writing is one of the fundamental skills taught in school. What would happen if future generations could not write?
2. Counting
With the advent of calculators easily accessible through smartphones, humans could lose the ability to perform manual calculations. If people heavily rely on calculators, methods of manual addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division may be forgotten.
3. Communication Skill
The presence of smartphones has transformed the way people communicate. For instance, when gathering with family or friends, instead of engaging in conversation, we often find ourselves engrossed in our smartphones. This has become a common sight. The phrase "bringing the distant closer and distancing the close" has arisen from this trend. Interpersonal interactions will likely decline as people focus more on their devices when together.

Photo source by Unsplash+ (Getty Images)
4. Face-to-Face Etiquette
Karena komunikasi yang dapat dengan mudah dilakukan melalui teknologi digital, baik itu melalui saluran telepon, video call, atau chatting, kemampuan dasar manusia untuk berkomunikasi dengan bertatap langsung dengan orang lain juga dapat menghilang. Bisa-bisa manusia lupa bagaimana etika berbicara langsung dengan orang lain. Tentu hal ini tidak baik apalagi jika dihadapkan dengan situasi yang mengharuskan untuk berbicara dengan orang yang lebih tua atau yang lebih dihormati. Karena itu, sebaiknya jangan biasakan diri Anda terlalu terpaku dengan smartphone dan bersosialisasilah dengan orang lain selagi ada waktu.
5. Memory Skill
Smartphones also assist in recording everything to prevent forgetfulness. For example, people no longer need to memorize and remember phone numbers, as they can be conveniently stored in their devices. However, if you find yourself without a smartphone during an emergency, remembering a number could make a difference. Like other cases, if your notes are lost or your device malfunctions, you may find yourself at a loss.

Photo source by Unsplash+ (A.C.)
6. Spelling
The introduction of autocorrect technology on smartphones, designed to automatically fix typos, could lead humans to forget proper spelling. You may not realize you’ve made errors, as autocorrect can mask your mistakes. If this habit persists, the ability to spell correctly may fade away, replaced by reliance on autocorrect.
7. Navigation Skill
Today, you can easily access online maps with automatic navigation. With these tools, you simply follow the map’s directions to your destination. As people become accustomed to automated guidance, they may lose their innate navigation skills, becoming reliant on online maps. In situations where internet access is unavailable, they might feel lost. Thus, it's wise not to depend too heavily on technology, okay?

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