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6 Netflix Documentaries Premiered on TVRI, a Collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Culture

Isny DR.
03 July 2020

The Ministry of Education and Culture collaborated with Netflix as part of Learning from Home program and for the first time in the world, Netflix documentaries premiered through a tv channel.

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Entering the academic calendar for school holidays, the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) collaborated with a streaming entertainment service provider, Netflix. As part of Learning from Home program and for the first time in the world, Netflix documentaries premiered through a tv channel.
Since 20 June 2020, Netflix's documentary shows premiered every Saturday at 21:30 WIB and re-aired every Sunday and Wednesday at 09.00 WIB. These shows will be broadcast terrestrialally through Televisi Republik Indonesia (TVRI).
The Learning from Home program Program, which has been launched since 12 April 2020, is an alternative learning center amid the COVID-19 pandemic. This effort was made by the Ministry of Education and Culture to ensure that people continue to get the opportunity to learn from home, one of which is through the widest television coverage in Indonesia.
"The Learning from Home Program at TVRI is intended to help students, parents and teachers who have limited internet access, both because of economic and geographical constraints," Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud), Nadiem Makarim says, in Jakarta, Wednesday (17/06), quoted from the Ministry of Education and Culture website.
The Minister of Education and Culture added, "no exception during the school holidays, the Ministry of Education and Culture remains committed to providing high quality shows that are educate and entertaining."
An effort to continue to build quality education when facing this pandemic were also welcomed by Netflix who contributed to providing world-class content for this collaboration at no charge.
Netflix Vice President of Local Language Original Content Bela Bajaria said, "Netflix offers a variety of choices of shows, including award-winning films, television series for children and families, as well as documentaries. Through collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Culture, more and more Indonesians will be able to access and enjoy Netflix Original documentaries. "
The Learning from Home Program through television focuses on increasing literacy and numeracy skills, character development, and broadening cultural horizons. The Ministry of Education and Culture in this case is open to positive content, both from Indonesia and abroad as a form of mutual cooperation in learning in an emergency.
Some Netflix original documentaries that can be watched on the Learning from Home program at TVRI including:
1. Our Planet
This British documentary series is narrated by David Attenborough and produced by Silverback Films. Our Planet addresses issues of conservation while featuring these disparate animals in their respective home regions, and has been noted for its greater focus on humans' impact on the environment than traditional nature documentaries, centering around how climate change impacts all living creatures.
Consisting of eight episodes, one of the episodes of Our Planet tells the story of the dwindling of tropical forests in Sumatra, Indonesia. This affects the existence of living things in it, like orangutans.
2. Street Food: Asia
The series is created by David Gelb. Archival footage is combined with face to face interviews and follows street food chefs and their history, which is intertwined with the big picture of how influential street food is on their native country.
Street Food: Asia raises the variety of street food in Asia, including Indonesia. Starting from the making to the presentation. One of the episodes tells about street food that are very in demand in Yogyakarta, they are Gudeg Mbah Lindu and Lupis Mbah Satinem.
3. Tidying Up with Marie Kondo
The reality television series follows Marie Kondo, a Japanese organizing consultant and creator of the KonMari method, as she visits families to help them organize and tidy their homes.

4. Spelling the Dream
The documenter film follows the ups and downs of four Indian-American students as they compete to realize their dream of winning the iconic spelling tournament in the United States.
5. Chasing Coral
Chasing Coral is a 2017 documentary film about a team of divers, scientists and photographers around the world who document the disappearance of coral reefs. The film was produced by Exposure Labs and directed by Jeff Orlowski.
6. Night on Earth
Night on Earth is a British nature documentary series narrated by Samira Wiley and produced by Plimsoll Productions. The series follows animals that are active during the night using state of the art, low-light camera technology.
All those Netflix documentaries are premiered with Indonesian translations.

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