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6 Things to do at Airport Security

Isny DR.
19 July 2017

6 Things to do at Airport Security

Airport security is a necessary nuisance travelers must accept if they wish to be able to fly safely. Our 6 suggestions of what not to do at airport security will make you a savvier flier, capable of breezing through the checkpoint.

1. Don’t Bring More Than 100 Milliliters of Any Liquid
Infrequent travelers still show up with full-sized bottles. Each time this happens, a TSA agent has to pull the bag off the security belt, call the passenger over, search the bag, scold the passenger and throw the bottle out, thus slowing the security line down — and earning the offender annoyed head shakes from those stuck waiting. There are a few exceptions to this rule, including medications, breast milk and baby formula.

2. Have Your Boarding Pass and ID in Hand
You don’t want to be pulling out your wallet to grab your ID while you’re standing in front of the security agent. Do that while waiting in line or, better yet, before you even get in line. You will not only make things faster for yourself and those behind you, you also would not annoy the security agent.

3. Take off Your Belt, Watch, Jacket and Shoes
The best way to move through security as fast as possible is to have everything you need out and ready to be placed on the conveyer belt as soon as you get there. If you’re wearing a belt or watch, take them off while you’re in line. Same thing with your jacket and even your shoes if possible, especially if they have got shoelaces. At the very least have your laces untied so all you have to do is slip your shoes off.

4. Don’t Remove Items You Don’t Need
One of the most common mistakes people make at airport security is to take out all their electronic devices to be X-rayed separately. You don’t need to do this. According to the TSA, only electronics the size of a standard laptop or larger, like a PlayStation, Xbox or Nintendo or video cameras that use video cassettes must be removed from their carrying cases and X-rayed separately. Tablets, e-readers, cameras, handheld DVD players and phones can remain in your carry-on. Just make sure they are out of your pockets.

5. Don't Wear Sandals
Do you really want to expose your bare feet to whatever’s on a filthy airport floor? Yes, sandals are easy to slip on and off, but they’re not worth a potential case of athlete’s foot. If you can’t give up your flip-flops, consider bringing a pair of disposable booties to protect your feet.

6. Don’t Give The Security Folks a Hard Time
You may think your trial shampoo bottle is smaller than 3.4 ounces. All that matter is what they are telling you this time. While the particular TSA agent demanding you give up your “contraband” very well may be in the wrong, at that moment he or she has all the power and arguing is not going to get you anywhere but possibly detained.

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