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6 Alcoholic Drink Myths That Must Be Abandoned

Eskanisa R
29 August 2017

What do you know about myths and facts about alcoholic drinks? Find out more below! #FunFacts

Photo by YesMore Content on Unsplash
Are you a fan of alcoholic drinks? Maybe you have often heard various myths about this drink. However, it would be better not to immediately believe it. Because it is possible that this myth is actually inversely proportional to reality and it is not impossible that it could endanger health.

There are at least six myths about alcoholic drinks that you don't need to believe.

Photo by BENCE BOROS on Unsplash
1. Alcoholic Drinks Can Make You Sleep Well
Myth: Alcohol can make you calmer, so you sleep better.

Fact: Dr. Mahesh Thakkar, a researcher from the University of Missouri, revealed through his alcohol journal that consuming alcoholic drinks before bed will actually disrupt sleep quality, especially during the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep stage. If you can't enter the REM stage, your sleep cycle will be disrupted, and you will be more susceptible to waking up in the middle of the night.
2. Prevent Drunkenness by Vomiting
Myth: Throwing up your drink is the solution to preventing a hangover.

Fact: Alcohol is very quickly absorbed by the body. This fluid will enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body, including the brain, in just a matter of minutes. So, if you vomit it, only a small amount of alcohol will come out.

Photo by Jon Parry on Unsplash
3. Start with those with higher alcohol content
Myth: If you want to drink safely, you should start with drinks with a higher alcohol content, such as tequila or vodka first, then finish with regular beer.

Fact: The order of drinking does not affect your blood alcohol level at all, but rather how much alcohol you drink. It doesn't matter which one you drink first, if you drink too much, you will still get drunk.
4. Drinking a lot of beer will make your stomach bloated
Myth: Drinking beer often will make your stomach bloated.

Fact: Dr. Kathryn O'Sullivan, a nutrition expert, revealed that there is no scientific evidence that shows beer is the cause of a bloated stomach. Based on his research, Sullivan emphasized that beer only has a few calories, so it is unlikely to make your belly fat.

Photo by Fábio Alves on Unsplash
5. Coffee in the Morning Can Get Rid of Hangovers
Myth: Drinking coffee in the morning can help get rid of a hangover

Fact: Robert Swift, MD, Ph.D., a researcher from Brown University – Alcohol & Addiction Studies revealed that drinking coffee is not effective in getting rid of a hangover. The caffeine content in coffee will actually make you even more dehydrated because you lose a lot of body fluids. It can even give you headaches, heart palpitations, and stomach aches.
6. Alcoholic Drinks Should Be Avoided
Myth: Because it can be intoxicating, avoid alcoholic drinks

Fact: According to research conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health, consuming alcoholic drinks in moderation can actually be healthy for the heart.

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